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深圳市唯特美齿科技术有限公司是一家*从事各类高质量及个性化义齿加工的港资企业.公司拥有国内外*先进的义齿加工设备及技术,使用国际优质的材料.为国内各大医院口腔招聘网 kqzp.cn、诊所及欧美地区的牙科医生提供个性化服务,得到了他们的一致好评!并与德国VITA公司建立了良好的合作关系,经常进行技术交流,使公司的技术水平不断提高,从而满足客户的各种需求.我们将以优质的质量及完善的服务来回报客户. 我们*于全瓷口腔招聘网 kqzp.cn、种植修复口腔招聘网 kqzp.cn、金属陶瓷口腔招聘网 kqzp.cn、活动义齿,并建立VITA氧化锆研磨中心.本中心采用*先进的CAD/CAM(计算机辅助设计辅助加工)技术,使用VITA氧化锆材料,为医生提供高质量的全瓷服务.当您选择了深圳市唯特美齿科技术有限公司,就选择了一个自始至终精益求精,缔造完美的合作伙伴,我们将与您一起实现梦想.我公司已通过国际TUV.SUD EN ISO 13485认,并且获得国家食品药品监督管理局颁发的《医疗器械生产许可》及《产品注册》

Dear customers welcome to our website, our laboratory was established with a global vision to serve our customers with quality and service. We believe we can provide you with high quality fabrications and sincere service. With every case,we treat it as a dental treatment not just a business send us. Our Headquarter is situated in Hong Kong with subsidiaries in the US,Japan and Europe. We continuely to train our staffs to meet the high standards that is required in the global dental field. With highly skilled techincians we can fabricate any cases that is send to us. Whether it is In-ceram, Empress, Porcera or Implants we are confident in delivering to you a high quality restoration. We have a strict quality control management and continue to look for ways to improve our quality. We currently have customers from the US,Europe and Hong Kong and have already put thousands of smiles on patients worldwide.

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